2月18日 アップルデイリー(香港のメディア)
1月30日に香港で開催されたGolden Age Summit & Expoの様子が香港のメディア、アップルデイリーに掲載されました。記事だけでなく、ビデオも観られます。
新・銀髪族というのは直訳すればニューシニア、おおむね60歳以上をイメージしています。一方、Golden Ageの提唱者は45歳以上。コンセプトの混乱が見られますが、これは日本でも見られることです。
【新.銀髮族】 當長者識得上網 250萬個商機 [New. Senior Hair Group] If seniors know how to get online, 2.5 million business opportunities exist
How do we define aging? Recently, some define 45 or above as “Golden Age”, meaning the start of a new life journey and encourage people to plan the fruitful lives after retirement. This January, a agency hold the 1st integrated exhibition and summit targeting this segment of people, inviting local and overseas speakers, as well as exhibitors, to address the needs of new generations of seniors.
是次「黃金時代」展覽的參展商包括智能科技產品、保健產品、智齡家居設計、時尚服飾和理財規劃等,例如位於科學園的Rehab-Robotics的成名作「希望之手」,能提升中風病人手部活動能力,有助神經功能復元;廠商「天行健」,更推出一輛具備防撞系統的電動輪椅;另有由香港紡織及成衣研究中心,與其他機構製作的內置藍芽及全球定位系統的外套。展覽會內除了展銷,亦是一個互動平台,讓參與者認識和體驗先進及優質的產品和服務 。
The exhibitors demonstrate products and services related to smart technology, health and wellness products, age friendly home design, smart appeal and financial planning. For example, Hand of Hope, the brand product from Rehab-Robotics situated in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park., which can enhance the hand function of people with stroke and facilitate neurological recovery; Mobilet, a local company, has designed a anti-collision power wheelchair; The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel collaborate with other agencies to design jacket which has GPS and Bluetooth function. The exhibition is both a marketing and collaboration platform for participants to know and experience smart and quality products and services.
不過最吸引的,可能是大會從日本請來的銀髮研究權威學者 —— 村田裕之。現時日本65歲以上人口高達3384萬,佔總人口26.7%,屬超高齡社會;而據村田分析,當地的銀髮族市場商機亦相當可觀:60歲以上家庭群組的資產總值,約為482萬億日圓,幾乎等於日本財政全年預算五倍。而思想上的進步亦相當顯著,村田表示,15年前日本50歲以上人口,大概只有不足3%會使用互聯網,但如今則有80%至90%懂得上網,而70歲以上群組亦有40%。村田把他們形容為「精明長者」(Smart Senior),不但會買iPad,也習慣網上購物,而且懂得價格;他們雖然花得起,但消費前會深思熟慮。而據日本民間業者統計,60歲以上的銀髮市場,去年消費額超過100兆日圓,迫近日本消費總額的一半。
The most attractive part of the summit is the presentation by Professor Hiroyuki Murata, Expert in Gerontology in Japan. Nowadays, there are over 33.84million people aged 65 or above in Japan, composing 26.7% of total population, which is a super aging society; according to analysis by Professor Murata, the market value of this segment is huge: the asset of family composition aged 60 or above is about 48.2trillion Yen (I am not if it is correct for the translation), which is 5 times of Japan annual government budget. The improvement in computer literacy is even huge, 15 years before, around 3% of people aged 50 or above used internet, but now, around 80-90%, and 40% for people aged 70 or above. Professor described them as Smart Senior, who do not only purchase iPad but also do online shopping and how to compare for best price; they know how to spend and know ways to spend wisely. According to survey by the industries, the purchasing value of people over 60 is 1 trillion Yen, which is around half of the total value
Back to Hong Kong, there will be over 2.5M people aged 65 or above in 2064, belonging to super aging society as in Japan. But participants in summit and businessman think local silver market need to explore. Ex Chair of The Hong Kong Retail Management Association, Ms Caroline MAK Sui King expressed: Our government do not well prepared, at least in mindset for the aging issue and there is a lack of coordination. Founder of the Golden Age Foundation, Ms. Rebecca Choy hope to gather people from government, business, citizen and academics together to discuss future directions through the summit, “People often view business as short-sighted which focus on earning fast money, we hope to let them look further as aging issue is not a matter of a few years but we need to foresee for decades, our next generation is aging fast as well. We need to innovate products and services to suit their needs”
專研銀髮市場的顧問公司Ageing Asia,去年發表最新報告,指出2020年亞太區的銀髮經濟將達3.3兆美元,在十五個亞太地區,香港銀髮商機指數位列第二,僅次於新加坡。龐大的老年人口,將為社會帶來大挑戰,甚至是「危機」,但同時也可帶來無限商機。
Aging consultant “Ageing Asia” published a report last year said that silver economy will constitute 3.3 teillion US dollar in 2020. In 15 Asia pacific region, the business opportunities index of Hong Kong ranked 2nd, following Singapore. The huge ageing population will bring challenges and threats to society, but also opportunities as well.
Our next episode of [New. Senior Hair Group] will discuss how a local social enterprise support retired who are executive and well educated to work on part time, thus see how the “new middle age” lead their lives.